Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Aqueduct Racetrack Receives Accreditation by NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance Inspection Team
Friday, December 18, 2009
NYRA President and CEO, Charles Hayward, honored at GYO Holiday Party

It's Post Time at Albany International Airport!

Monday, December 14, 2009
NYRA’s 2009 Charitable Contributions Benefit Local Community Groups and Service Organizations
Industry Organizations
Belmont Child Care Association
Columbia Greene Humane Society
Equine Industry Career and College Fair
Exceller Fund
Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation
Jockey Club Foundation
New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association
Old Friends, Lexington, KY
Oklahoma Thoroughbred Retirement Program
Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund
Race for Education
Race Track Chaplaincy of America
Race Track Chaplaincy of New York
Racing Medication and Testing Consortium
Racing Surfaces Testing Laboratory
Suffolk OTB
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation
Aqueduct Race Track and
Autism United
106th Precinct Community Council
Ozone Howard Little League
St. Mary’s Foundation for Children
Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith Basketball Tournament
Alex’s Lemonade Stand,
Anthony T. Dwyer Memorial Foundation,
American Cancer Society, Syosset
American Cancer Society Relay for Life
American Lung Association, NYC
Assemblyman Tom Alfano’s 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
Association for Hunterdon Development Center, Inc.
Auction Wishes,
Bob Flynn – Preakness Day Fundraiser
Brain Injury Association of NYS
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Casting for Recovery
Central/Memorial PTSA,
Chicago Children’s Charities
Child Abuse Prevention Services, Garden City
Child Care Council of Nassau Inc.,
Association for Children with Down Syndrome,
Columbiettes of Memorare Council
CYO-Nassau and
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Melville
Eve Fenton Love All Foundation, Inc., NYC
Richard Ferrette Trust,
Friends of the
Garden City Chamber of Commerce
Garden City PBA
Garden City P.T.A., Garden City
Gateway Youth Outreach,
Girl Scouts of
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of
Green Chimneys, Brewster
Harvest Houses Residence for Well-Elders, Syosset
Hilsdorf Fund, Bayside
The INN,
Institute for Student Achievement, NYC
Little Gospel Lights Preschool,
Kidney & Urology Foundation of
Knights of
Love and Hope International, Coram
Matthew Ryan Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Mauer Foundation,
McGuire Air Force Base, NJ
Mental Health Association of
Multiple Sclerosis Society, NYC
Muscular Dystrophy Association, NYC
Notre Dame P.A.V.E., New
NYC Firefighters
Olde Suffolk Pony Club
Otsego PTA, Dix Hills
Pal-O-Mine Equestrians
Positively PINK Packages
Queens Theatre in the Park,
Saint Athanasius,
Seaford Harbor PTA,
Thomas Hartman Parkinson’s Foundation,
Walt Whitman Birthplace Association, West Hills
West Hempstead Elementary PTA,
Dr. Z/Nothing is Impossible Foundation, Rockaway
Garden City Little League
Anthony T. Dwyer Memorial Foundation
American Diabetes Association
Assembly Tom Alfano’s 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
Bellerose Terrace Ladies Auxiliary
Boom Boom Classic
Cheryl Relyea Memorial Cancer Foundation
Ditmas Educational Programs
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation WALK, Howard Beach
Kidney & Urology Foundation
Queens Children’s Day Parade
St. Bonifice Church,
St. Kevin’s School,
UPS United Way
The Albany Academies
American Cancer Society
American Red Cross –
Arthritis Foundation,
A Miracle for Annie
Bethlehem Children’s School, Slingerlands
Capital District YMCA,
Capital District Spinal Cord Society,
Center for Donation and Transplant,
Center for Early Learning,
Coach Bob Smith Social,
Colonie Senior Service Centers, Inc.,
Columbia-Greene Humane Society
Daniel Canary Cancer Benefit,
Foothills Theatre Company,
Hyde Collection, Glens Falls
Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless,
Kids Wish Network,
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society,
Little Red Schoolhouse,
Living Resources Foundation,
Make A Wish – Northeast New York Chapter,
Medical Missions for Children
Mental Health Foundation
Multiple Sclerosis Society, Ballston Spa
NFL Alumni Upstate
Northeastern Association of the Blind,
Northeast Parent and Child Society
Parsons Child and
Peaceful Acres
Police Benevolent Association-NYS Troopers
Romancing the Grape
Rotary Club,
Rotary International,
Saratoga Bridges
Saratoga Children’s Museum
Shelters of
Slingerlands Elementary PTA
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation
Visiting Nurses Foundation,
WMHT Auctions,
Special Olympics
Annual WALKS
American Heart Association Walk –
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Walk –
Mercy Walk –
St. Mary’s Hospital for Children –
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hal Handel, NYRA's Exec. V.P. and COO, Speaks at Mercer County Sports and Entertainment Commission's Holiday Derby Luncheon
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center honors NYRA
Saturday, December 5, 2009
NYRA and NYTHA Match Funds for Annual Toys for Tots Campaign at Aqueduct

NYRA Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Benefits Jamaica Hospital Medical Center

Thursday, November 19, 2009
NYRA, NYTHA and BST Contribute Funds for Thanksgiving
In addition, the firm of Bollam, Sheedy, Torani & Co. ("BST") will once again underwrite a special Thanksgiving meal on November 24th for the grooms, hotwalkers, and exercise riders who work at Aqueduct and Belmont Park. This will mark the third year that the Albany-based firm has sponsored the feast for the Backstretch Employees Service Team ("B.E.S.T.") Meals will be coordinated under the supervision of Dennis Zoitos who runs the concesssions on the backstretch for NYRA. The meals will be served in the cafeterias at both racetracks.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Belmont Child Care Association to host Annual Anna House Holiday Shopping Event

Spirit of Giving Weekend Planned at Aqueduct Race Track
Calling all Turkeys to Belmont Park-Gate 6 for the Race Track Chaplaincy of New York Annual Thanksgiving Outreach

Saturday, November 7, 2009
NYRA Rewards Members Enjoy Breeders' Cup Party and Exciting Live Racing at Aqueduct

NYRA Rewards offers opportunites to earn cash rewards just by wagering on NYRA or simulcast races. You can sign-up for an account at http://www.nyra.com.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Second Annual Elmont Clean-Up Day

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
“Kiaran’s Kids” Learning Straight from the Horse’s Mouth

From left to right, back row - Joanne Adams, NYRA, David Smukler, NYRA, Pat Boyle, Gateway Youth Outreach, Cate Masterson, McLaughlin Racing. Front Row - Madison Thomas, Gateway Youth Outreach, Jennila Pierre-Louis, Gateway Youth Outreach, Mike Louissant, Gateway Youth Outreach, Jamelia Jones, Gateway Youth Outreach, Kiaran McLaughlin, Artie Magnuson, McLaughlin Racing
For an hour or so on Wednesday afternoons at Belmont Park, Kiaran McLaughlin’s barn becomes something more than a stable of world-class thoroughbreds – it becomes a classroom.
On that day, McLaughlin hosts a small group of sixth-graders as part of an after-school program with Gateway Youth Outreach, which supports the youth of Belmont Park’s neighbor, Elmont, with a number of programs and services.
“They’ve been here three times, and they’ve gotten to see a lot in that time,” said McLaughlin. The trainer and The New York Racing Association, Inc. were presented with citations from Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray for their efforts in arranging the weekly educational sessions.
So far, said McLaughlin, the students have learned about the different jobs in the barn, watched a blacksmith at work, and gotten to use a hoof pick on a stable pony. This past Wednesday, they had an opportunity to go to the races and got their photo taken after a race with another trainer, David Donk, who invited the group into the winner’s circle.

“It’s a lot of absorb in a short period of time, but they all seem interested,” said McLaughlin. “It’s something different for them to learn, and more importantly, they get to come inside the gates and see Belmont Park, which is so close to where they live.”
McLaughlin said he hopes the pilot program will expand in the spring to include more students.
“This is a great thing Kiaran and NYRA are doing for the community,” said Ed Ambrosino, councilman with the Town of Hempstead, when the pilot program was first developed. “We are appreciative that they are able and willing to take the time to reach out to the children of the community.”
Gateway Youth Outreach serves the children of Elmont and nearby communities with counseling, education and recreation. Its after-school program is one of many that promote a safe environment for children to develop their talents in healthy, productive ways.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Saratoga Race Course Local Advisory Board Visits The Track

NYRA Races to Support Local Charities at Saratoga Race Course
Friday, October 23, 2009
NYRA supports the Elmont Business Improvement District

Thursday, October 22, 2009
NYRA Teams Again with Community for Elmont Cleanup Day

Local community groups, backstretch workers, church organizations and employees of The New York Racing Association, Inc. (NYRA) will team up again on Saturday, October 31, in the second Elmont Cleanup Day.
Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray, Town of Hempstead Councilman Ed Ambrosino, and Nassau County Legislator John Ciotti are among the government officials scheduled to launch the cleanup effort, set to begin at 9 a.m., rain or shine.
Last year, dozens of volunteers beautified the stretch of Hempstead Turnpike that runs east from the Cross Island Parkway past Meachem Avenue.
This year, Key Clubs from Elmont Memorial High School and Sewanhaka High School, the Elmont Fire Department, St. Boniface Church, St. Vincent DePaul Church, the American Legion and all the Civic Associations from Elmont, as well as NYRA and the Town of Hempstead, are among the community groups participating in the effort.
With Belmont Park’s Marquee Tent serving as operations base, NYRA is providing buses to transport the workers to six locations on both sides of the road as well as providing equipment and trash bags for the effort.
“NYRA is proud to partner with the Elmont community in implementing their vision plan,” said Joanne K. Adams, NYRA’s Community Relations Manager.
The Elmont Chamber of Commerce, the Elmont Coalition for Sustainable Development and the Elmont Community Council Coalition, Nassau County, the Town of Hempstead and NYRA are among the entities that have come together to make possible a vision for revitalizing Elmont, known as the Gateway to Nassau.
Friday, October 16, 2009
NYRA Supports Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce Annual Awards Breakfast
Friday, October 9, 2009
Racing on Long Island - Horses to Horsepower
Saturday, October 3, 2009
NYRA donates to Exceller Fund and Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund on Jockey Club Gold Cup Day

Charles Hayward, President and CEO, The New York Racing Association, Inc. (NYRA) is proud to present a check for $25,000 the Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund in the amount of $25,000 following Saturday's first race.

To honor Exceller’s 1978 Jockey Club Gold Cup victory, The New York Racing Association, Inc. (NYRA) donated $5,000 following Saturday's second race to The Exceller Fund, a non-profit group which works to transition Thoroughbred horses to a second career off the track. The New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association (NYTHA) also made a donation in the amount of $5,000 to the fund. The Exceller Fund additionally acquires horses that might be at risk for slaughter and cares for them until an adoptive home is found.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Garden City Stakes Day
Saturday, August 22, 2009
NYRA hosts The Breast Cancer Research Foundation on Alabama Day

Friday, August 21, 2009
Saratoga Race Course Receives NTRA Accreditation

The National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA) announced that Saratoga Race Course in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., has been fully accredited by the NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance following a complete review of all racing operations at the facility. Saratoga is the eighth racing facility to be so designated by the Alliance. Churchill Downs and Keeneland were accredited in April; Belmont Park received accreditation in May; Delaware Park and Hollywood Park were accredited in June; Monmouth Park was accredited in July; and Arlington Park received accreditation earlier this month. Pimlico Race Course was granted provisional accreditation in May.
The accreditation of Saratoga was the culmination of a lengthy certification process that began with the track’s completion of a 48-page written application and continued as Saratoga hosted several meetings with Alliance officials. The on-site review included inspections of all facets of the racing facility, and interviews with track executives, racetrack personnel, jockeys, owners, trainers, stewards, regulators and fans. The inspection team was comprised of Ronald Jensen, DVM; racing industry executive Dan Fick and Mike Ziegler, Executive Director of the NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance. Observing the inspection was the Alliance’s independent monitor, former Wisconsin Governor and U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary, Tommy Thompson.
“Saratoga was reviewed on August 5-7 during its current meeting,” said Ziegler. “It exceeded prescribed benchmarks on many fronts, with industry-wide best practices established in the areas of security planning, aftercare and transitioning of retired racehorses and the recording of post-race jockey weights.”
“We are proud to know that Saratoga Race Course, like Belmont Park, meets and often exceeds the exacting standards called for by the NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance,” said Charles Hayward, President and CEO of the New York Racing Association. “Our next goal is to achieve a similar finding when Aqueduct Racetrack is inspected later in the year.”
The Alliance, formed last October with the goal of establishing national uniform standards in the areas of safety and integrity, includes 55 racetracks in North America and every major national horsemen’s organization. Alliance certification standards cover five broad areas: injury reporting and prevention; creating a safer racing environment; aftercare and transition of retired racehorses; uniform medication, testing and penalties; and safety research. Within those five categories, specific standards focus on areas including:
Systematic reporting of equine injuries
Aftercare of racehorses
Pre- and post-race veterinary examinations
Post-mortem examinations
Health and safety of jockeys
Riding crops and their use
Horse shoes and hoof care
Safety research
Safety equipment for jockeys and horse handlers
Exogenous Anabolic Steroids
Alkalinizing agents (TCO2)
On-track emergency medical care for humans and equines
Out-of-competition testing
Freezing and retrospective testing of post race samples
Continuing education
Security assessment and training
The accreditation program initially will focus on human and equine safety, but will be expanded to cover additional areas, including wagering security.
Calder Race Course and Del Mar are among the next racetracks that will undergo Alliance review.
The NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance is a standing organization whose purpose is to establish standards and practices to promote safety and integrity in horseracing and to secure their implementation. Information on the Alliance, including the Alliance Code of Standards, can be found at www.NTRAalliance.com.
The Honorable Tommy G. Thompson, former four-term Governor of Wisconsin and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, serves as independent counsel of the Alliance and will provide public reports on Alliance progress in instituting safety and integrity standards.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
NYRA and Other Industry Groups Jointly Pledge More Than $100,000 in Financial Support to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation

Monday, August 10, 2009
Fasig-Tipton Festival of Racing at Saratoga Race Course
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Floral Park Community Day

NYRA was proud to host over 350 people from the Village of Floral Park for their Community Day at Belmont Park on Sunday, June 21st. The Village of Floral Park, the Floral Park Chamber of Commerce and several local community service organizations worked with NYRA to organize a wonderful afternoon for families on Father's Day! Children played outside the Marquee tent and local restaurants provided the fare for the afternoon inside. The hat contest featured some very interesting creations and the poster contest showcased the local talent of elementary school students.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
NYRA acknowledges the Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund on Belmont Stakes Day

Gateway Youth Outreach of Elmont receives funding from NYRA

Charles Hayward, President and CEO of the New York Racing Association, Inc. (NYRA) presented a check for $25,000 to Gateway Youth Outreach of Elmont after the fourth race on Belmont Stakes Day, Saturday, June 6. Accepting the check is Pat Boyle, Executive Director of Gateway Youth Outreach of Elmont.
Gateway Youth Outreach serves the children of Elmont and nearby communities with counseling, education and recreation. This after school program is one of many that promote a safe environment for children to develop their talents in healthy, productive ways.
Appearing in the photo from left to right:
Paul Sapienza of the Elmont Chamber of Commerce
Nassau County Legislator John Ciotti
Pat Nicolosi and Sandra Smith of the Elmont Coalition for Sustainable Development
Pat Boyle, Executive Director of Gateway Youth Outreach of Elmont
Councilman Ed Ambrosino
Joanne Adams, Community Relations Manager, NYRA
Charles Hayward, President and CEO, NYRA
Friday, June 5, 2009
Belmont Park Receives NTRA Accreditation

The National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA) announced that Belmont Park, home of the Belmont Stakes, has been fully accredited by the NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance following a complete review of all racing operations at the facility. The Elmont, N.Y., racetrack is the third racing facility to be so designated by the Alliance. Churchill Downs and Keeneland were accredited in April, while Pimlico Race Course received provisional accreditation earlier this month.The accreditation of Belmont was the culmination of a lengthy certification process that began with the track’s completion of a 48-page written application and continued as Belmont hosted several meetings with Alliance officials. The on-site review included inspections of all facets of the racing facility, and interviews with track executives, racetrack personnel, jockeys, owners, trainers, stewards and regulators. It was led by Ronald Jensen, DVM; racing official Richard Lewis; and Mike Ziegler, Executive Director of the NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance. "I am pleased to announce that Belmont Park, one of the nation’s most beautiful and historic racetracks, has been accredited by the NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance," said Waldrop. "Belmont has displayed an uncompromising commitment to the safety of the human and equine athletes who compete on its grounds." "Our inspection team was very impressed by the facility when we reviewed it during the current spring meeting," said Ziegler. "Belmont, in fact, exceeded the Alliance’s Code of Standards in several areas, including pre-and post-race examinations, injury reporting, equine ambulances and security training." "The safety of our human and equine athletes is of paramount importance to all of us here at Belmont Park," said Charles Hayward, President and CEO of the New York Racing Association. "We are proud to know that Belmont meets, and in many cases exceeds, the high standards established by the NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance, and we will strive for similar outcomes during Alliance inspections of Saratoga Race Course and Aqueduct Racetrack later in the year."The Alliance, formed last October with the goal of establishing national uniform standards in the areas of safety and integrity, includes 55 racetracks in North America and every major national horsemen’s organization. Alliance certification standards cover five broad areas: injury reporting and prevention; creating a safer racing environment; aftercare and transition of retired racehorses; uniform medication, testing and penalties; and safety research. Within those five categories, specific standards focus on areas including:
Systematic reporting of equine injuries
Aftercare of racehorses
Pre- and post-race veterinary examinations
Post-mortem examinations
Health and safety of jockeys
Riding crops and their use
Horse shoes and hoof care
Safety research
Safety equipment for jockeys and horse handlers
Exogenous Anabolic Steroids
Alkalinizing agents (TCO2)
On-track emergency medical care for humans and equines
Out-of-competition testing
Freezing and retrospective testing of post race samples
Continuing education
Security assessment and training The accreditation program initially will focus on human and equine safety, but will be expanded to cover additional areas, including wagering security.Arlington Park, Calder Race Course, Emerald Downs and Monmouth Park are among the next racetracks that will undergo Alliance review. The NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance is a standing organization whose purpose is to establish standards and practices to promote safety and integrity in horseracing and to secure their implementation. Information on the Alliance, including the Alliance Code of Standards, can be found at http://www.ntraalliance.com/.The Honorable Tommy G. Thompson, former four-term Governor of Wisconsin and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, serves as independent counsel of the Alliance and will provide public reports on Alliance progress in instituting safety and integrity standards.
NYRA welcomes Pal-O-Mine Equestrians back to Belmont Park

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Jockeys Ride Into The Hearts of Families at The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island

Just days before the running of the 141st Belmont Stakes, Amanda Casey, Alan Garcia, Paco Lopez, Edgar Prado, Rudy Rodriguez, Maylan Studart and John Velázquez showed up in their colorful silks, mingled and took photos with children at the House. The jockeys also came bearing gifts, hats and riding goggles, which were autographed for all in attendance.
“This is a very exciting event for our children and their families,” said Executive Director Joanne Reda. “Meeting the jockeys is always fun for everyone. We wish them good luck on Saturday and look forward to seeing them again next year.”
Garcia, Prado and Velazquez will be riding in the 1 ½ mile Belmont Stakes. Garcia will be aboard Charitable Man, second choice in the field of ten 3-year-old horses. Velazquez, who won the 2007 Belmont, will ride Dunkirk; while Prado, a two-time Belmont winner, will ride Mr. Hot Stuff.
The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island is a ‘home-away-from home’ for families who are caring for seriously ill children undergoing medical treatment in area hospitals. Located on the campus of Schneider Children’s Hospital, the House accommodates families in a warm and supportive environment. Since opening in 1986, approximately 13,000 families from the United States and more than 80 countries around the world have been served. Many of the families are from Queens, Suffolk and Nassau Counties, as well as the surrounding metropolitan area.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Elmont Community Day at Belmont Park

NYRA was proud to host over 400 people from the Elmont community on Sunday, May 31st for their second annual community day at Belmont Park. Bethpage Federal Credit Union sponsored admission and parking and NYRA offered a family fun-filled afternoon in the backyard.
The National Anthem was sung by William Rothwell, a local student.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Elmont 2009 Belmont Stakes Parade and Family Field Day
Following the parade, the community assembled for their family field day hosted by the Elmont Chamber of Commerce. Parade Grand Marshall, Ralph Esposito presented a key to Elmont to NYRA President and CEO, Charles Hayward. NYRA provided Belmont chairs for all of the participants.
The Elmont Library hosted a screening of The First Saturday in May in the afternoon and they created an exhibit of horse racing memorabilia and related books.