NYRA President and CEO, Charles Hayward, was proud to welcome back Major Chuck Kilbride and the United States Marines as they returned to Aqueduct for their Annual Toys for Tots campaign. Mr. Hayward announced that NYRA would match all financial donations made by our owners and trainers to the United States Marines Toys for Tots drive this weekend. In the same spirit of giving, Jim Gallager, Executive Director of the New York Thoroughbred Horsemen's Association, was pleased to announce that NYTHA would match NYRA's contribution!
With New York's leading trainer, Gary Contessa, donating 10 percent of whatever purse money his horses earn today for a minimum of $1500, as well as owner Harold Lerner's contribution of $5000, NYRA and NYTHA have each pledged at least $6500 to the Toys for Tots program which collects and distributes new, unwrapped toys for children in need during the holiday season. "Collecting for Toys for Tots has long been a holiday tradition at Aqueduct and we believe the Foundation's work is especially important during these uncertain economic times and we want to do everything we can to help provide toys to local children during the holidays. " said NYRA President and CEO, Charles E. Hayward.