Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Aqueduct Racetrack Receives Accreditation by NTRA Safety and Integrity Alliance Inspection Team
Friday, December 18, 2009
NYRA President and CEO, Charles Hayward, honored at GYO Holiday Party

It's Post Time at Albany International Airport!

Monday, December 14, 2009
NYRA’s 2009 Charitable Contributions Benefit Local Community Groups and Service Organizations
Industry Organizations
Belmont Child Care Association
Columbia Greene Humane Society
Equine Industry Career and College Fair
Exceller Fund
Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation
Jockey Club Foundation
New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association
Old Friends, Lexington, KY
Oklahoma Thoroughbred Retirement Program
Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund
Race for Education
Race Track Chaplaincy of America
Race Track Chaplaincy of New York
Racing Medication and Testing Consortium
Racing Surfaces Testing Laboratory
Suffolk OTB
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation
Aqueduct Race Track and
Autism United
106th Precinct Community Council
Ozone Howard Little League
St. Mary’s Foundation for Children
Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith Basketball Tournament
Alex’s Lemonade Stand,
Anthony T. Dwyer Memorial Foundation,
American Cancer Society, Syosset
American Cancer Society Relay for Life
American Lung Association, NYC
Assemblyman Tom Alfano’s 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
Association for Hunterdon Development Center, Inc.
Auction Wishes,
Bob Flynn – Preakness Day Fundraiser
Brain Injury Association of NYS
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Casting for Recovery
Central/Memorial PTSA,
Chicago Children’s Charities
Child Abuse Prevention Services, Garden City
Child Care Council of Nassau Inc.,
Association for Children with Down Syndrome,
Columbiettes of Memorare Council
CYO-Nassau and
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Melville
Eve Fenton Love All Foundation, Inc., NYC
Richard Ferrette Trust,
Friends of the
Garden City Chamber of Commerce
Garden City PBA
Garden City P.T.A., Garden City
Gateway Youth Outreach,
Girl Scouts of
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of
Green Chimneys, Brewster
Harvest Houses Residence for Well-Elders, Syosset
Hilsdorf Fund, Bayside
The INN,
Institute for Student Achievement, NYC
Little Gospel Lights Preschool,
Kidney & Urology Foundation of
Knights of
Love and Hope International, Coram
Matthew Ryan Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Mauer Foundation,
McGuire Air Force Base, NJ
Mental Health Association of
Multiple Sclerosis Society, NYC
Muscular Dystrophy Association, NYC
Notre Dame P.A.V.E., New
NYC Firefighters
Olde Suffolk Pony Club
Otsego PTA, Dix Hills
Pal-O-Mine Equestrians
Positively PINK Packages
Queens Theatre in the Park,
Saint Athanasius,
Seaford Harbor PTA,
Thomas Hartman Parkinson’s Foundation,
Walt Whitman Birthplace Association, West Hills
West Hempstead Elementary PTA,
Dr. Z/Nothing is Impossible Foundation, Rockaway
Garden City Little League
Anthony T. Dwyer Memorial Foundation
American Diabetes Association
Assembly Tom Alfano’s 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
Bellerose Terrace Ladies Auxiliary
Boom Boom Classic
Cheryl Relyea Memorial Cancer Foundation
Ditmas Educational Programs
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation WALK, Howard Beach
Kidney & Urology Foundation
Queens Children’s Day Parade
St. Bonifice Church,
St. Kevin’s School,
UPS United Way
The Albany Academies
American Cancer Society
American Red Cross –
Arthritis Foundation,
A Miracle for Annie
Bethlehem Children’s School, Slingerlands
Capital District YMCA,
Capital District Spinal Cord Society,
Center for Donation and Transplant,
Center for Early Learning,
Coach Bob Smith Social,
Colonie Senior Service Centers, Inc.,
Columbia-Greene Humane Society
Daniel Canary Cancer Benefit,
Foothills Theatre Company,
Hyde Collection, Glens Falls
Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless,
Kids Wish Network,
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society,
Little Red Schoolhouse,
Living Resources Foundation,
Make A Wish – Northeast New York Chapter,
Medical Missions for Children
Mental Health Foundation
Multiple Sclerosis Society, Ballston Spa
NFL Alumni Upstate
Northeastern Association of the Blind,
Northeast Parent and Child Society
Parsons Child and
Peaceful Acres
Police Benevolent Association-NYS Troopers
Romancing the Grape
Rotary Club,
Rotary International,
Saratoga Bridges
Saratoga Children’s Museum
Shelters of
Slingerlands Elementary PTA
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation
Visiting Nurses Foundation,
WMHT Auctions,
Special Olympics
Annual WALKS
American Heart Association Walk –
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Walk –
Mercy Walk –
St. Mary’s Hospital for Children –
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hal Handel, NYRA's Exec. V.P. and COO, Speaks at Mercer County Sports and Entertainment Commission's Holiday Derby Luncheon
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center honors NYRA
Saturday, December 5, 2009
NYRA and NYTHA Match Funds for Annual Toys for Tots Campaign at Aqueduct

NYRA Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Benefits Jamaica Hospital Medical Center