NYRA was honored to receive a three dimensional mural of Belmont Park created by the students of the Elmont Public Schools. The mural is mounted in the Clubhouse lobby for all of our fans to enjoy!
NYRA is pleased that we are able to offer the Community Outreach Booth at Saratoga Race Course to local charities during the Saratoga race meet. This space provides an opportunity for these orgnaizations to join us on track to provide information about their mission and raise much needed funds.
The Saratoga Synchronized Skating Team recently contacted NYRA to thank us for the use of the Community Outreach Booth for the past two summers. They raise significant funds every year and the team does a fanatastic job decorating the booth! We are proud to showcase their talents in these photos.
The Garden City Chamber of Commerce Foundation hosted a luncheon at Belmont Park on Saturday, September 18 in honor of the Garden City Stakes. Organizations from the local community enjoyed an afternoon of exciting thoroughbred racing and cheered as Village Administrator, Robert Schoelle, and Village Clerk, Brian Ridgway, present the trophy for the G1 Garden City Stakes.
NYRA is proud to welcome Hannah's Hope Fund to the Community Outreach Booth at Saratoga Race Course. This fund was established by Lori and Matt Sames to fund research for Giant Axonal Neuropathy, a neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. Their six year old daugher, Hannah, was diagnosed with this disease and she is in a race against time. NYRA Senior Vice President, Dave Smukler, presented a check for $500 to the family as they presented the trophy for the second race. To learn more about the fund, please contact Matt and Lori Sames at 518-275-5359 or go to http://www.hannahshopefund.org/.